Javascript Frameworks are to a web developer what Chalk Brands Unlike Chalk Javascript frameworks come and go at the rate of fruit flies, and picking one to invest your time one is a hard task , because it may be obsolete or just never used by paying parties . This why ReactJS is so succesful having a strong corporate baker Facebook means the software will be updated and supported for a long time ,betting on such framework is the most comfortable choice (remember us humans like comfort zones) but if you notice a pattern among corporate baked framework or tools is that they also force some ideologies or way of doing things like TensorFlow for example , it has a steep learning curve since it enforces an engineering pattern instead of an intuitive one , then there’s Keras & PyTorch :heart: that have an intuitive way of doing things because they are engineered as open-source projects for communities unlike TensorFlow that was engineered for Google engineers , this doesn’t mean you should hate one and cheerish the other I like TensorFlow for it’s good tooling (Serving,TensorBoard…) but when doing research and iterating on many different architectures and ideas I either use Keras for fast prototyping or PyTorch .
Evan You built VueJS to prototype web applications and it’s intuitive design pushed it’s explosive growth and you’ll see why after learning it .
Let me explain some key concepts that will enlighten the new way of doings things not necessary the best way but the more progressive way .
In the past couple years if you were to build a Web app using the JS stack (Node Mongo Express ) you had to choices you could use Angular (which I never learned or used) or use templates and server side rendering , in other words when the user requests a webpage say browses to the express backend will send an HTML page rendered using a context and a template built using (Jade,HandleBars,eJS…) and everything was done this way server side .
The new way of doing things is slightly different , instead of sending a different HTML page for each route (‘/home’,‘/login’,‘/signup’…) the server sends JSON data (most of the time you could use XML but then you would already be in Hell ) .
Old Way :
res.render('home',{ user : 'Panda Boys' })
The render function will generate an HTML using a template called home.ejs for example and will replace {{ user }} in that template with ‘Panda Boys’
New Way :
user:'New Panda Boys'
The Server sends JSON to the client and the client side built using VueJS or React will consume the data and render it in the page .
In a other words instead of rendering on the server and sending HTML you render on the client and send data in JSON format or XML for the masochists (I don’t judge :innocent: ).
P.S : It pays to learn both ReactJS and VueJS it exposes you to more job offers , functional vs intuitive ? programming , don’t focus on one thing ,have an open-mind
VueJS made an amazing jump from v1 to v2 as you can see here Announcing VueJS 2.0 , in the following posts we will use VueJS 2 as it’s the standard .
VueJS is different from ReactJS in two ways that I see are the separators :
A VueJS component is built like this :boom: :
<div class="hello-message">
Hi {{ user }}
<style scoped>
export default {
user : ' Poo The Panda';
Inside your template you have your component HTML wrapped around one dive :exclamation: then you have your components styles (scoped if you want to have the CSS scoped to only your component) and then your script tag that contains your component logic .
Which makes the end app a composing of multiple components .
<script src=""></script>
And you can start building your app using the full power of the Vue gods ,but instead of building components like what I showed you up there .
You use a slighlty different flow the equivalent of the vue component becomes something like this :
template:`<div class="hello-message">
Hi {{ user }}
let app = new Vue({
user : 'Poo The Vicious Panda'
With your HTML having a
<div id="app"><hello-component></hello-component></app>
I hope this introduction was enough to show you the Vue way , in the second part I will start by showing you how to build many things and use many Vue nifties .